23-Oct-2024, Gauge theories labelled by three-manifolds, SIMIS string math seminar, Shanghai
17-Oct-2024, Gauge theories labelled by surgeries [slides], online, Fields and strings seminar in BIMSA, Beijing
25-Sep-2024, Fusions and dualities for 3d theories T[M_3] [slides], Tianfu fields and strings 2024, UESCT and SCU, Chengdu
04-Aug-2024, 3D theories and 3-manifolds [slides], 2024 弦论、引力与引力波研讨会, 上海大学主办, 日照市
10-May-2024, Quivers, 3d gauge theories and 3-manifolds (slides, video), Summary workshop:knots, homologies and physics, Banach Center, Warsaw
01-Apr-2024, Quantum Field Theory and the Jones Polynomial (based on Witten's paper),A journal club in Satoshi's team, Fudan University
06-Dec-2023, Engineer matter of 3d N=2 theories on plumbing manifolds (poster), poster section, 18-th Kavli Asian Winter School on Strings and ..., YITP, Kyoto University
31-Oct-2023, Surgery Construction for 3d Theories (notes),Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing
26-Oct-2023, 三维超对称量子场论的几何结构 (幻灯片),山东大学齐鲁青年论坛(物理), 济南
19-Jun-2023, 三维超对称场论的混合陈-⻄蒙斯耦合参数 (幻灯片),复旦博后中期汇报, 上海
07-04-2023, 3d N=2 theories and plumbing graphs: matter, gauging and dualities (Video, Slides), Joint HEP-TH Seminar, China
13-07-2022, Plumbing graphs with matter (Slides), parallel sections, String Math 2022, Warsaw, Poland
27-08-2021, 3d N=2 brane webs and quivers, Quiver meetings, Imperial College London, UK
28-04-2021, 3d N = 2 mirror symmetry and mixed Chern-Simons levels, IAS, Soochow University, China
20-04-2021, Mixed Chern-Simons levels and strip geometry for abelian 3d N=2 theories (Slides), String theory journal club, University of Warsaw, Poland
20-12-2019, Refined geometric transition and branes (Slides), Stringtheory.pl/2019, Kraków, Poland
05-11-2019, From JT gravity to a matrix model, String theory journal club, University of Warsaw, Poland